The Heroic Domains of Ysgard

Material produced below is from the "Manual of the Planes"

It is a place of heros and glories.

It is where wars rage and valor is proved.

It is the battleground of eternity.

Ysgard is a plane on an epic scale, with soaring mountains, deep fjords, and dark caverns that hide the secret forges of the dwarves. A biting wind always blows at a hero's back. From the freezing water channels to the sacred groves of Alfheim's elves, Ysgard's terrain is grand and terrible. It is a place of sharp seasons: Winter is a time of darkness and killing cold, and a summer day is scorching and clear.

Most spectacular of all, the landscape floats atop immense rivers of earth flowing forever through an endless skyscape. The broadest earthen rivers are the size of continents, while smaller sections, called earthbergs, are island-sized. Fire rages under each river, but only a reddish glow penetrates to the continent's top. Of more convern is the occasional collision between rivers, which produces terrible quakes and sometimes spawns new mountain ranges.

Ysgard is the home of slain heroes who wage eternal battle on fields of glory. When these petitioners fall, they rise again the next morning to continue eternal warfare.

--Posted 28 Jan 04 by OrchestralDarkness

Intended Sites

First Layer (Ysgard)
Plain of Ida
Gladsheim (Odin's Feast Hall)
Hall of the Valiant (Valhalla, Odin's Hall of Heros)
Yggdrasil (The World Ash)
Wandering Path
Warrior's Rest
Vanheim (Vanir Town)
Jotunheim (Giant Town with gate down)

Second Layer (Muspelheim)
Serpent Spine Mountains
The Spire

Third Layer (Nidavellir)
Dwarf and Gnome Kingdoms
>Merciful Court
>Cavern of Rest

--Posted 28 Jan 04 by OrchestralDarkness