The Boards; 19 June 2010 by Miss Sashi

It is my sincere regret that the move to these forums will not be entirely as joyous an occasion as I had hoped. Instead of the clean move where nothing is lost, the move I had hope for, I have been told that as of today the boards have been lost. I'm told something happened to a server hard drive, there were no back-ups, etc etc.

The relative good news, and I say this at the same time as a deep apology, is that nothing from The Chant or the Changelong has been lost. Records of many rulings in the DM forum have remained. From the dates on the transferred posts, you'll notice that we'd been planning this move for quite some time.

I am sincerely sorry for not having reported the move sooner. The website attached to the "new boards" still is not finished. As of this moment the Rules page is grossly outdated. The Approved Races page is still not completely done. The new cleric domains aren't recorded anywhere, and the lists of new spells are several years out of date. I'd wanted this website to be completely and entirely done before I reported the move, and I'd wanted to announce the move at a time when the forums were being visited so that everyone would have a chance to move their roleplay posts and back up their privave messages.

The server data being lost was something I had not anticipated, and I cannot apologize enough for holding the move off like I did.

Forum Transfer & Website; 09 June 2010 by Miss Sashi

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for being so patient with the server lately. Forum transfers are never the best of times, and the timing of this one may be especially awful, but hopefully the new look and (pending personal priorities) improved features (the registration CAPCHA should be usable now, etc) will make it all worth it.

In addition to moving the forums and wiki, we've also (as you can see here) got our website back, with updated content and a coherent matching look to boot! This web revamp marks the first time in Gatecrashers history that the forums sport a visible link to the website, as well. With everything all in one tidy place, this will hopefully make things like portraits, forms, and rules easier to find.

Don't forget - if your character uses a custom portrait, and it's not currently available in our portraits section, please email me (clock-at-eroding-dot-net) and I will add it to the page.