Vidalok Campaign Setting
"The Lightning Game"

This page will inform you where each class is most likely to be found, as well as which archetypes are the most common. Do not feel as though you have to be the archetypes listed, or that you cannot be one that isn't listed. For the most part, this page exists to inform you what is customary for the setting, in other words: what NPCs are. This page does not exist to covertly convey information on which archetypes will be the most useful, nor is it going to devilishly encourage you to make a poor choice.

While the mouth of the Starfield Sea is the cradle of Vidalok's high civilization, there are no shortage of barbarians elsewhere. Barbarians may be found all along the eastern shore and in the Devarsa Forest. Giant and Half-Giant barbarians may be found in the Crescent Mountains, elven barbarians in the Zaazvata Desert, and avariel barbarians in Aerdrie's Mountains. The Amazons, on the far side of the Crescent Mountains, have many barbarians, as do the people of the Basir Islands.
Archetypes: The most common Barbarian archetype across the board is the Elemental Kin. Invulnerable Ragers, Breakers and Hurlers are moderately common as well, while Totem Warriors are rarely found among any save the amazons and the avariel. .

The wealthiest Bards of Vidalok work for the Genasi nobles as both entertainers and fortune-tellers, and are found primarily in the Heartlands. Tribal singers can be found scattered about the remainder of Vidalok, and every culture has their own storytellers. The most popular bards around the Starfield Sea are typically dancers, dressed in elaborate clothing that catches in the wind, or precussionists. Zils and tambourines are extremely popular with Air Genasi performers.
Archetypes: The most common archetypes in the Heartland are the Archivist, Court Bard, Magician, Sandman and Street Performer. Dwarven bards are almost always Archivists. In the wilder regions of Vidalok, especially among the avariel, Savage Skalds are common.

Clerics are common in all areas of Vidalok. As most serve gods of storm and weather, they are Diviners much less frequently than Wizards or Bards might be. When a fortune-teller is a Cleric, they usually worship Vidalok's 16 moons directly. Such Clerics are rare, and have access to the Knowledge, Luck, Magic and Rune domains. Most of Vidalok's powerful Clerics are Mystic Theurges.
Subdomains: The most common subdomain is Storm, from the Weather domain, but the Seasons subdomain is popular with priests of Ukko, Marduk, Stronmaus, Remnis and Aerdrie Faenya. The Cloud subdomain of Air is easily more common than the Wind subdomain, and many priests with access to the Water domain take the Ice subdomain, though Oceans is somewhat popular among Kura Okami's priesthood on the Basir Islands.

Druids, as worshippers of the natural world, can be found all throughout Vidalok. Some follow one of the many Storm gods, but most revere the primordial lightning itself. Druids can even be found in the Heartland of Vidalok among civilization without infrequency, perhaps thanks to the cultural obsession with the lightning. Druids are rarely seers, but most if not all can predict the weather with reasonable certainty.
Archetypes: The Druid's native habitat typically dictates the most likely archetype for it to possess. Mountain Druids are common in mountainous regions, Jungle Druids in the Devarsa Forest, Desert Druids in the Zaazvata Desert, so on and so forth. Eagle Shamans, either avariel or worshippers of Remnis, are the only widespread groups of Animal Shamans. Druids who worship Marduk are almost always Urban Druids.

Fighters can be found anywhere in Vidalok, though they rarely earn the same respect as a spellcaster who can control the lightning, especially from the Genasi. Most Fighters are bodyguards, mercenaries, or soldiers, and those training to become Eldritch Knights are not uncommon among the Fighter's ranks.
Archetypes: Mobile Fighters and Weapon Masters specializing in the use of their deity's favored weapon are the most common, but no fighter archetype is truly uncommon.

Vidalok's monastic orders are rare, but hardly unheard of. Monestaries dot the rolling countryside of the Heartland, and one or two of the smaller cities also boast one. Monks, like Druids, often revere the lightning itself, and some orders seek to emulate or become like lightning.
Archetypes: Most orders teach the ways of the Monk of the Four Winds, but Ki Mystics and Monks of the Lotus are not unheard of. On the Basir Islands, the Weapon Adept and Zen Archer archetypes are the most common after the Monk of the Four Winds.

Oracles can be found anywhere across Vidalok, both in the civilized world and out in the wilds. Many Oracles are genasi who serve gods of Storms and Lightning. Oracles are the second most likely to be seers, after wizards.
Mysteries: The Wind Mystery is easily the most common mystery, as most genasi Oracles are Wind Oracles. Heavens Oracles often revere the 16 moons, drawing their powers from them, and make talented and revered seers. Oracles who serve Rudra are usually Battle Oracles with the Wasting curse, and dwarven Oracles typically follow the Knowledge mystery. Some Nature Oracles can be found among the Amazons.

Paladins are easily the rarest class on Vidalok. Most are in the service of Marduk, the patron god of civilization, but some worship Ukko or, rarely, Stronmaus. Marduk's paladins are based in the heartland, and they make expeditions into Vidalok's wilds to tame them and extend the peace and order of the cities.
Archetypes: Marduk's paladins are typically Sacred Servants, Hospitalers or Divine Defenders. Paladins of Ukko are almost always Warriors of the Holy Light who use their Divine Bond to wreath their sword in flames.

Rangers are most common in the outlying regions of Vidalok, and are especially dominant among the amazon warriors past the Crescent Mountains. Some guides and some soldiers in the Heartland are Rangers, as are some avariel, desert elves, and warriors from the Devarsa Forest.
Archetypes: The Spirit Ranger, Guide and Skirmisher are the most common archetypes, though Beast Masters with the Archery combat style are common among the amazons. Rangers who worship Marduk are almost always Urban Rangers.

Rogues can be found anywhere in Vidalok, though are most common in the cities of the Heartland and among the desert elves. Hermes' clerics often multiclass into rogue, and Dwarven clerics typically focus on traps and engineering. The Minor and Major Magic rogue talents are very popular.
Archetypes: Dwarf rogues usually take the Trapsmith archetype, and amazonian rangers often multiclass as Snipers or Scouts, but no rogue archetypes are truly uncommon.

Sorcerers are fairly common in Vidalok, especially when compared to other settings. Because most sorcerers are genasi those with the natural gift of magic are often well-respected by people at large, though non-genasi sorcerers are looked down on by many genasi as halfbreeds or bastards. Sorcerers are usually found in the Heartlands, the Western Coast, and the Basir Islands.
Bloodlines: The most common Sorcerer Bloodlines are easily the Stormborn, Elemental Air, Destined and Arcane bloodlines. Other bloodlines are uncommon if not unheard of.

Vidalok has a very strong Arcane tradition. As control of the lightning is primarily an arcane undertaking, it is naturally appealing to those not born with a natural affinity. The majority of Vidalok's seers are wizards, but the Genasi prefer to focus on spells with the electricity descriptor.
School Specialization: Evocers with a focus on the Electricity subtype are perhaps the norm, as most Academies are founded by wealthy Genasi who believe in the supremacy of their element. By the same token, the Elemental Air School is also extremely prominent, and several Academies in the heartlands specialize in it exclusively. The Divination school is favored by Arcane Seers, and many wizards focus in Conjuration both to summon elementals and to travel via teleportation. Most Diviners take the Foresight subschool, while Evokers often favor the Admixture subschool.