Vidalok Campaign Setting: Cloud Astrology
"The Lightning Game"

Every village has at least one elder who can read the clouds. Oftentimes, this person is called on to predict the weater, but this is as far as their eyes can see into the future: they lack the true second sight, or third eye, of a real seer. Even though they cannot see the future, they remain important to the villagers they live among, as their ability to interpret the sky enables them to divine the Cloud Sign of every newborn child: a celestial symbol that represents who this child will become, based upon the astrological formations surrounding their birth.

Most people believe religiously in the power of the clouds, and their ability to shape the lives of those born under them, but some are less hasty to accept the tradition. Every child in the civilized world knows their cloud sign, however, whether they believe it has meaning or not.

Those born under the airy Cirrus clouds are often possessive, easily becoming jealous or greedy for more things, though many Cirrus are unwiling to be firm. The Cirrus don't like to be tied down to people or places, always keeping their options open for the future. They are easily forgiving, and have a difficult time staying upset at anyone for long.

Those born under the Cirrus sign gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saving throws.

People born when the Cirrostratus clouds are overhead are can be overbearing or even bossy, and they never lack for confidence. They can often seem proud or self-righteous to those who don't know them well, but the Cirrostratus are gentle to their friends and family, the people who meet their approval. It's never hard to tell when a Cirrostratus doesn't like someone or something.

Those born under the Cirrostratus sign gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against Fear effects and a +1 trait bonus on Intimidae checks.

The Cumulus make for confident, competent leaders, truly thriving when they are the center of attenton. Described as stubborn by some, in truth those born under the Cumulus clouds are steadfast and determined. Rigid and dedicated in their beliefs, the Cumulus follow tradition closely, and detest changes made for no purpose other than change itself. The Cumulus put trust in the belief that, if something's been done in one way for thousands of years, that way is the right way.

Those born under the Cumulus sign gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.

Those born under a Cumulonimbus sky are passionate and spontaneous people, flexible and often willing to change their dispositions to suit the situation on hand. Moody and mercurial, the free-spirited Cumulonimbus live in the moment, taking on life and their challenges with a whimsical attitude and little forward planning. Deeply independent, the Cumulonimbus dislike order and hate it when they aren't in control of their own destinies.

Those born under the Cumulonimbus sign gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks, and one of these is always a class skill for them.

The Nimbostratus can be judgemental and critical of others, but they also make excellent judges of character and can quickly assess what others are capable of. They make benevolent leaders and loyal companions, always wanting the best for their charges, but they can sometimes be heavyhanded and overprotective. Many find those born under the Nimbostratus clouds to be difficult to read, and they often have a very unique outlook on life.

Those born under the Nimbostratus sign gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive and Perception checks, and one of those is always a class skill for them.

People born when the Fractus clouds are overhead are easygoing and friendly. Though some would say they are weak-willed, they prefer to think of themselves as adaptale. Extroverted to the extreme, the Fractus love when they are at the heart of a crowd and spending time with as many people as they can. Spontaneous lovers of life, the Fractus often opt to just go with the flow of things around them.

Those born under the Fractus sign gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Use Magic Device checks, and one of these is always a class skill for them.

The outspoken Arcus are always at the center of their own worlds, and while some would describe them as conceited, they prefer to think of themselves as simply being confident and aware of their own abilities. Loud and unreserved, the Arcus are trendsetters who love to influence the decisions of others. Flamboyant and often fashionable, their gregarious ways often leave them inconsiderate to the needs of those around them.

Those born under the Arcus sign gain a +1 trait bonus on Perform checks and a +1 bonus on Initiative checks.

Those born under the lightshows of the Nacreous skies are hotheaded, and frequently act before considering the consequences. They are whimsical and prefer to live life in the now, having trouble holding onto long-term plans. The Nacreous often bring out the best in those around them, and many use their dispositions to inspire their friends and families toward amazing achievements.

Those born under the Arcus sign gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Softspoken and shy, people of the Noctilucent sign are often described by others as mellow. Difficult to rile up and slow to excite, the Noctilucent prefer letting others make their own decisions, and many prefer to keep their thoughts and opinions private. Many of them get along well with children, and some say that the Noctilucent retain a child-like innocence all through their lives.

Those born under the Noctilucent sign gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.