Vidalok Campaign Setting: History
"The Lightning Game"

In the earliest days of Vidalok, days only recalled in folk stories, the world was covered by lightning. Portals leading up into the sky were prominent, and the clouds were barely above the ground. In the earliest days, Vidalok was much closer to the lightning, and in the earliest days, the lightning was purer.

It was in this historical, mystic age that the Genasi emerged, born of the unions between man and lightning itself. When the lightning finally withdrew and the portals subsided, the genasi became the lords and ladies, the kings and queens, the nobility and ruling class of Vidalok.

Vidalok's recorded history is short, only 187 years, but the stories, poems and songs of its people tell of ancient times reaching unknown centuries farther back, back into those earliest days.

Civilization in Vidalok primarily developed around the Starfield Sea, but smaller or "less civilized" settlements and peoples can be found all over. The south-eastern coastline is where the largest cities, and consequently the most nobles, are found. This industrial heartland of Vidalok, where the god Marduk is worshipped, had been at war with the Basir islands for countless generations until an unsteady peace was brokerend 20 years ago. Rumours are always passing through the outlying farms and villages that the Basir have broken the peace and attacked, but so far, they haven't been true.

Some of the nobles in the Heartland have recently made contact with the peoples of The Barony of Desiderio, which they claim is located far west, past the Crescent Mountains, but many disbelieve its existence, claiming the fierce, barbaric amazons are all that lies past the mountains, and any expedition through their lands is surely doomed.