Vidalok Campaign Setting: Religion & Powers
"The Lightning Game"

  • Name
  • Alignment
  • Native Pantheon
  • Portfolio
  • Ukko
  • LG
  • Finnish
  • Sky, air, weather, avians
  • Marduk
  • LN
  • Babylonian
  • Cities, wind, thunder, storms, rain
  • Set
  • LE
  • Egyptian
  • Evil, drought, desert storms
  • Artemis
  • NG
  • Greek
  • Hunting, wild beasts, childbirth
  • Remnis
  • N
  • Eagles
  • Sky, Service, Eagles
  • Beory
  • N
  • Oerth
  • Earth, nature, rain
  • Rudra
  • NE
  • Indian
  • Storms, disease
  • Hermes
  • CG
  • Greek
  • Travel, trade, thievery, gambling, running
  • Thor
  • CG
  • Norse
  • Thunder, weather, sky, crops
  • Indra
  • CE
  • Indian
  • Weather, battle
  • Talos
  • CE
  • Faerunian
  • Storms, destruction, earthquakes

  • Aerdrie Faenya
  • The Winged Mother, Queen of the Avariel
  • Alignment:
  • Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio:
  • Air, Weather, Avians
  • Worshippers:
  • Bards, druids, avariel
  • Domains:
  • Air, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Good, Weather
  • Favored Weapon:
  • Quarterstaff
Aerdrie Faenya is the elf power of air, weather, freedom, impulse, fertility, and birds. She's a part of the Seldarine pantheon, but is also worshiped by ki-rin, lammasu, aarakocra, and avians. She is the primary patron of the avariel, or winged elves. Her realm, a floating palace called the Aerie, shifts across the border between Arborea and Ysgard; sometimes it is found in Arvandor and sometimes in Alfheim. Flying processions of eagles, falcons, and other flying creatures can fill the sky around her palace for hours, and when they find perches they can fill entire forests.