Vidalok Campaign Setting: Religion & Powers
"The Lightning Game"

  • Name
  • Alignment
  • Native Pantheon
  • Portfolio
  • Ukko
  • LG
  • Finnish
  • Sky, air, weather, avians
  • Marduk
  • LN
  • Babylonian
  • Cities, wind, thunder, storms, rain
  • Set
  • LE
  • Egyptian
  • Evil, drought, desert storms
  • Artemis
  • NG
  • Greek
  • Hunting, wild beasts, childbirth
  • Remnis
  • N
  • Eagles
  • Sky, Service, Eagles
  • Beory
  • N
  • Oerth
  • Earth, nature, rain
  • Rudra
  • NE
  • Indian
  • Storms, disease
  • Hermes
  • CG
  • Greek
  • Travel, trade, thievery, gambling, running
  • Thor
  • CG
  • Norse
  • Thunder, weather, sky, crops
  • Indra
  • CE
  • Indian
  • Weather, battle
  • Talos
  • CE
  • Faerunian
  • Storms, destruction, earthquakes

  • Artemis
  • Artemis of the Golden Shafts, Friend of Youth, Lady of the Lake, the Huntress
  • Alignment:
  • Neutral Good
  • Portfolio:
  • Hunting, wild beasts, childbirth
  • Worshippers:
  • Rangers, druids, hunters
  • Domains:
  • Animal, Good, Plant, Sun
  • Favored Weapon:
  • Short sword
Artemis, the sister of Apollo, is the patron (or rather, matron) of hunters and huntresses. She's far more happy in the company of dogs and wild animals than in that of her fellow powers. She's the closest thing the pantheon has to a savage; she disdains civilization and its trappings in favor of nature and the wild. But she hunts only to fill her belly or feed someone else, never for sport. Among the peoples of Vidalok, Artemis is the goddess of the Amazons.

Artemis is a maiden goddess, neither keeping nor encouraging lovers. Though other powers occasionally pursue her and try to win her over, she doesn't favor any of them. Even those who can hunt as well as she can (or better) don't stand a chance; like the other Olympians, she refuses to acknowledge a better in her chosen field.

The Goddess considers all of Olympus to be her realm, and hunts without care, returning only occasionally to a small bower where she makes her home. Truth to tell, her case is little more than a small complex of caves in the side of the mountain, for Artemis has no real need of a palace to retire to. She frequently travels to Arkenos, the city of the Amazons, where she's revered as a protector.