Vidalok Campaign Setting: Religion & Powers
"The Lightning Game"

  • Name
  • Alignment
  • Native Pantheon
  • Portfolio
  • Ukko
  • LG
  • Finnish
  • Sky, air, weather, avians
  • Marduk
  • LN
  • Babylonian
  • Cities, wind, thunder, storms, rain
  • Set
  • LE
  • Egyptian
  • Evil, drought, desert storms
  • Artemis
  • NG
  • Greek
  • Hunting, wild beasts, childbirth
  • Remnis
  • N
  • Eagles
  • Sky, Service, Eagles
  • Beory
  • N
  • Oerth
  • Earth, nature, rain
  • Rudra
  • NE
  • Indian
  • Storms, disease
  • Hermes
  • CG
  • Greek
  • Travel, trade, thievery, gambling, running
  • Thor
  • CG
  • Norse
  • Thunder, weather, sky, crops
  • Indra
  • CE
  • Indian
  • Weather, battle
  • Talos
  • CE
  • Faerunian
  • Storms, destruction, earthquakes

  • Kura Okami
  • Alignment:
  • Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio:
  • Rain, snow
  • Worshippers:
  • Domains:
  • Chaos, Good, Water, Weather
  • Favored Weapon:
Kura Okami, usually a kind and efficient god, is a power of weather and the rain. Among the peoples of Vidalok, the worship of Kura Okami is strongest in the mountains. On occasion, the power can get caught up in Susanoo's legenadry furies and send too much rain, or become forgetful and send no rain at all for many weeks. During the winter seasons, he manages the snowfall.

Kura Okami is a translucent old man with a kindly, if somewhat vacant, expression. He lives in the Beastlands, in a realm called the Misty Valley. He is an intermediate deity and his alignment is chaotic good.