Vidalok Campaign Setting: Religion & Powers
"The Lightning Game"

  • Name
  • Alignment
  • Native Pantheon
  • Portfolio
  • Ukko
  • LG
  • Finnish
  • Sky, air, weather, avians
  • Marduk
  • LN
  • Babylonian
  • Cities, wind, thunder, storms, rain
  • Set
  • LE
  • Egyptian
  • Evil, drought, desert storms
  • Artemis
  • NG
  • Greek
  • Hunting, wild beasts, childbirth
  • Remnis
  • N
  • Eagles
  • Sky, Service, Eagles
  • Beory
  • N
  • Oerth
  • Earth, nature, rain
  • Rudra
  • NE
  • Indian
  • Storms, disease
  • Hermes
  • CG
  • Greek
  • Travel, trade, thievery, gambling, running
  • Thor
  • CG
  • Norse
  • Thunder, weather, sky, crops
  • Indra
  • CE
  • Indian
  • Weather, battle
  • Talos
  • CE
  • Faerunian
  • Storms, destruction, earthquakes

  • Rudra
  • Lord of Animals
  • Alignment:
  • Neutral
  • Portfolio:
  • Storms, disease
  • Worshippers:
  • Domains:
  • Animal, Decay, Destruction, Evil, Weather
  • Favored Weapon:
  • Longbow
Rudra is the Vedic power of storms and disease, the bringer of death, and the malevolent deity who feeds on the corpses of those slain in battle. Because he has the power to cause disease, however, he also has the power to cure it — though he utilizes this ability far too rarely. On Vidalok, his faithful are strongest in the deserts.

Rudra is also a lord of the animals, with the ability to spread disease or vitality among them as well. He carries a large black bow which fires invisible arrows of disease. He has the power to create a storm at will. In his true form, Rudra is a red-skinned man with a blue neck. Omens from Rudra often take the form of illness or an unexpected storm.