Vidalok Campaign Setting: Geography Basics
"The Lightning Game"

While Vidalok may be a diverse world filled with many different people and cultures, the Genasi agree that civilization in Vidalok starts in the capital city of Arvisa and extends from there. The farther any settlement is from Arvisa the more backwater it becomes, at least in their eyes.

The Starfield Sea, Civilized Vidalok
Vidalok's large, inland sea divides the continent into upper and lower halves, and the south-eastern coastline where the mouth of the Starfield Sea meets the Ocean is the heart of civilization in Vidalok. The largest and most impressive cities, all amazing feats of dwarven craftsmanship, can be found along the south-eastern shore (often called "Civilized Vidalok" by those who live there), while the southern side of the Starfield Sea is a fertile grassland where many farmers make their livelihoods.

The Starfield region is comprised of a series of small counties, each encompassing anything from a single village to twenty of them, all ruled by the noble Genasi. In the largest counties containing the busiest cities, multiple Genasi houses can be found carving out their own pieces of the territory and playing complex games of politics. This type of intrigue is common in the industrious capital cities, but is rarely found in the outlying villages and farmlands where a single Genasi family presides over small rural areas.

Arvisa: The illustrious capital city of Vidalok, Arvisa is the site of the High Temple to Marduk. In truth, Arvisa is the merging of a pair of cities, each on opposing coasts of the Starfield Sea: Arvisa, in the south, and Miresz in the north. For this reason, many of the northerners continue to call the city Miresz. Adding to the confusion, some of the citizens choose to refer to the northern and southern districts by their old names, as opposed to the more conventional Upper Arvisa (s) and Lower Arvisa (n). Contemporary Arvisa is home to many dwarven craftsmen who have endeavored, over the years, to join the two cities permanently. Great floating bridges ferry people across the Starfield, and new buildings have even been built suspended over the water.

Ro and Estal: Two large cities on the northern side of the Starfield. After Arvisa, they are the cities with the largest dwarf populations. Ro has become extremely famous for its Arcane Academy, and Ro-trained seers are highly sought after.

Turjel: The largest city south of Arvisa, Turjel is the port most boats bound for Basir leave from, and it has the highest Basian population of any Vidalok city. One of only two true coastal cities, ship-traffic between Turjel and Estal is common, and the two cities are in constant communication and trade.

Milao: Smaller than Turjel but still one of the five major cities, Milao is the where most farmers from the western farmlands bring their crops to sell. The city is full of bakers and merchants who arrange the delivery of produce out to the other cities.

Noble Families: Bin Szar, Bin Jalhen, Eir Aste, Eir Araqel, Felvisa, Sinsavi, Corvais, Yoshika (Basir), Wo (Basir)
Prominent Powers: Ukko, Marduk, Lei Kung, Remnis, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Hermes, Thor

The Devarsa Forest
A dense, tropical rainforest south of the Starfield Sea and the farms beneath it is home to many different peoples and cultures, but it can only be considered remotely civilized north of the great Baltien River. Here, a mix of humans and half-giants make their homes in peace, farming and trading the rich fruits and spices their homeland yields.
South of the river is the perilous terriory of the jungle goblins, and they jealously wage a war on the human settlements that infringe upon their land, constantly trying to take back the northern shore.

Prominent Powers: Stronmaus, Squelaiche, Indra

The Crescent Mountains
The crescent-shaped mountain ridge, making up the western edge of civilized Vidalok, divides the cultured world of man from the fierce, dangerous forests where the Amazons make their homes. Explorers and map makers all through history have tried to make their way through the terrifying jungle, never to be seen again.
It is only in the most recent years that contact has finally been made with the Barony of Desiderio, a mysterious land on the other side of what seemed an endless forest, but the amazons pose a constant threat to any wishing to pass through their lands.

The mountains themselves are the homes of many of the Giantish people of Vidalok, who choose to make their homes on the highest peaks where they can be closest to the storms.

Prominent Powers: Artemis (amazons), Stronmaus, Kura Okami

The Zaazvata Desert
A wide desert, bordering both the northern coasts of Vidalok and the north-facing side of the Starfield Sea, the Zaazvata desert is the home of the gypsy nomads, the Desert Elves. Rarely ventured into by other races, the desert is a dangerous place to those not accustomed to it, and most of what's known of vast Zaazvata comes from the tales elven traders tell.

Prominent Powers: Set, Rudra

The Eastern Coast
Along the north-eastern coast is an arid, subtropical steppe home primarily to animals. Dry, rainless thunderstorms make themselves common. Moving farther south along the coast, the climate slowly transforms into hospitable savannas and fertile prairies.
The largest cities are all concentrated around the banks of the Starfield Sea, but smaller villages sprawl out much farther north. Humans and dwarves are the most common races in these areas.

Prominent Powers: Ukko, Thor, Beory, Rudra

Hvalr, and Aerdrie's Mountains
Far north across the dangerous seas is the island called Hvalr by its natives. The southern tip of Hvalr is a tall stretch of mountains, where the Avariel reside. Aerdrie's Mountains - named in honor the winged elves' goddess - are a cold and unforgiving climate where the nomadic wings make their camps, traveling across the snowy stretches and winding through the passes and tunnels.

Farther north from the mountains is speculated to be where the fierce, barbarian Norsemen make their homes. Very little is known of these wild men, as they rarely cross the sea to trade with the civilized world.

Prominent Powers: Aerdrie Faenya (avariel), ???

The Basir Islands
Far from the south-eastern coast of Vidalok, where sea travel can only be possible on a series of clear days, the Basir Islands can be found. Homeland of the Mongolian and Japanese humans of this world, only the bravest traders and adventurers have seen the islands for themselves. A peace with the islanders was brokered only recently after centuries of war, and people from Basir can be found in some settlements around the Starfield Sea. However, the islands remain a constant mystery to the common folk: said to be mountainous by some, and volcanic plateaus by others, the curious are either left to their imaginations or forced to find out for themselves.

Prominent Powers: Lei Kung, Kura Okami, Susanoo, Talos